Smallbizmedia is a full-service media agency that specialises in helping small businesses to grow and develop. Helping you to stand out from the crowd with professional video production, top tier website design and results focused digital marketing services to grow your business. We provide small businesses with affordable, custom and personalized media solutions together with a full package of digital marketing tailored uniquely to your business or brand.
It’s hard enough to manage a small business these days without having to pay a fortune to get your business noticed. smallbizmedia specialise in high-quality low-cost media services from websites to promotional video that will get your business noticed.
How long have you been partnered with Whole In 1 Golf for?
- 12 Months
What brought you to Whole In 1 Golf in the first place?
- I love golf and I love to network and meet new clients – seemed like the perfect solution.
What would a typical client look like for you?
- Small to medium sized business that has a limited marketing budget but who needs to make every penny deliver a return
Does your business have a mission statement? If so, what is it?
- “The small business media agency that guarantees to get you noticed and get you business!”
If you could network with 3 famous people, who would they be and why?
- Sir Alex Ferguson – total legend with a massive network and huge influence!
- Lady Michelle Mone – hugely successful with very clear ideas about business direction
- Lord Alan Sugar – inspirational, straight talking and hugely entertaining
- Name: Brian Woodcock
- Company: smallbizmedia.co.uk
- Email: brian@smallbizmedia.co.uk